

氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 Silica-gel tube


氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 不能被收集在活性炭中的極性溶劑蒸氣,例如甲醇。300mg單個部分的試管裝有溢出型指示劑。每盒20支裝。氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 Silica-gel tube



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氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 Silica-gel tube

氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 Silica-gel tube

氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 不能被收集在活性炭中的極性溶劑蒸氣,例如甲醇。300mg單個部分的試管裝有溢出型指示劑。每盒20支裝。氧化硅膠收集管 No.801 Silica-gel tube

801 is designed for sampling organic solvents in environmental air, particularly for polar solvents such as Methanol and Acetone which cannot be sufficiently adsorbed onto charcoal.
Organic solvent vapour is adsorbed onto the silica gel while passing through the tube. Adsorbed solvent is recovered with a desorption solvent followed by gaschromatographic analysis. When sample air corresponding to 60 to 80 & of the amount causing breakthrough is passed, the colour begins to change from blue to pink by the moisture from the silica gel side predicting breakthrough.



Tubes for working environment measurement

102SD Acetone 106SC Carbon monoxide 107U Ethyl ether
109U Chlorine 111U Ethyl acetate 111U Isopropyl acetate
112SC Hydrogen cyanide 118SD Benzene 120SB Hydrogen sulphide
120U Hydrogen sulphide 122SD Ethylene Oxide 124SB Toluene
126SB Carbon dioxide 128SD Acrylonitrile 132SC Vinyl chloride
134SB Trichloroethylene 135SA Tetrachloroethylene 138U Butyl acetate
143SB Xylene 145SA 1,2-Dichloroethylene 147S Carbon tetrachloride
150U Isopropyl alcohol 156S Hydrogen fluoride 158SB Styrene
160S 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 153U Isobutyl acetate 178SB Chlorobenzene
183U Cresol 189U 2-Butanol 197U Cyclohexanone
198U Methyl cyclohexanone 196S N,N-Dimethyl formamide 209U Isopentyl alcohol
141SB Carbon disulphide    

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